book review

What I Read in January 2022

January 31, 2022

It’s the first book roundup of the year and I am so excited to keep this tradition going. This year I am going to be doing some fun things to keep track of my reading and I want to share them with you.  I will be digitally tracking current and to be read books in […]

It’s the first book roundup of the year and I am so excited to keep this tradition going. This year I am going to be doing some fun things to keep track of my reading and I want to share them with you. 

What I Read in January 2022

  • I will be digitally tracking current and to be read books in real-time on this app. If you want to know what I am reading before my monthly roundups, be sure to follow me there. 
  • I will also be keeping a journal with all of my book reviews. I am excited to have a physical copy of everything I read and honestly, this journal was too cute to pass up. 
  • I am continuing to run the Salt Lake City Literary League book club. If you are local and interested in joining click here. 

Everything I read in January

What I Read in January 2022

Just Haven’t Met You Yet: This was such a cute book to start the year with. It follows Laura, a hopeless romantic, who has a work trip that does not go according to plan. Once she gets to her hotel she realizes she has grabbed the wrong suitcase, but when she looks inside she believes that she may have just accidentally found “the one” based on its contents. If you are looking for a well-written romantic comedy this is the book for you. 

Weather Girl: The first Literary League pick of 2022 did not disappoint. A TV meteorologist and sports reporter become unlikely allies when they work together to get their divorced bosses back together. This book also highlights what it’s like to live with depression and the author’s depiction is well done. The author’s note about this made me cry. 

Reminders of Him: I am so grateful that 2022 started with a new Colleen Hoover book! Her books are always phenomenal and usually heartbreaking and this was no exception. This book follows a young mother trying to reunite with her daughter after a tragic mistake sent her to prison for 5 years. The storytelling in this book is beautiful and I think it highlights an important conversation about what happens when parents are incarcerated and the struggle of trying to return to life after a prison sentence.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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