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Working From Home Tips

March 13, 2020

Over the past week, things have gotten a little crazy, as I am sure you all know. While I don’t want to avoid the conversation about coronavirus entirely, I also want this blog to be a source of inspiration and lightheartedness. There are a lot of places you can go to learn more about what […]

Over the past week, things have gotten a little crazy, as I am sure you all know. While I don’t want to avoid the conversation about coronavirus entirely, I also want this blog to be a source of inspiration and lightheartedness. There are a lot of places you can go to learn more about what you should be doing and info about the virus. That said, wash your hands and don’t touch your face. 

In light of recent events, I know a lot of you who weren’t already are now working from home. If your work allows you to do this I think this is a great time to be taking these measures. I have been working from home for more than two years and I thought this would be the perfect time to share some of the tips and tricks that I have learned so that hopefully this transition can be a nice productive environment. 

Working From Home Tips

First things first your work environment should be both relaxing and productive. When my house is cluttered or messy I don’t get as much work done. This weekend I recommend setting aside some time to blast your favorite music and really clean and organize your home. Put things away, do your laundry, and set up a good workspace. Your workspace should be a place with a table and seat. AKA, not your bed or couch. Sometimes I definitely migrate to the couch in the afternoon but for your most productive day, I encourage you to find a desk and don’t become a couch potato. 

Now that you have a good space set up here are my top tips for a productive day working from home. 

Set an alarm and get up: Just because you don’t have to commute to the office doesn’t mean you can start work whenever. Pick a time, I like sticking to a 9-5 most days and be ready to work at that time. With the extra time you’ll save not driving to work I recommend fitting in a walk or an at-home workout like BBG. 

Get out of your PJs: I wrote a whole article just on this, but getting ready in the morning really makes all the difference. I’m not saying wear a suit and tie but change out of those PJs, shower, and look presentable. I always think, if I had a surprise zoom call with a client would I be comfortable jumping on? If the answer is no then I usually change.

Have breakfast and lunch: Just as if you were at work, keep your meal schedule normal. I found myself snacking a lot or having breakfast at 10:30 AM and it just wasn’t good for me. This will also help you take breaks from staring at your screen. 

Give yourself breaks: In the morning I usually work until my laptop needs to be plugged in which is around 2-3 hours. Having a few 10-minute breaks planned out really helps me stay more focused. 

Have self-control: You don’t want to find yourself on Facebook or Buzzfeed scrolling hour after hour. So if this is something you struggle with, download apps to help block these pages. 

Start a group text or slack: It can feel a little isolating to work alone all day. I know I have felt this, so I recommend staying in touch. Chat with your co-workers or friends. This is the type of distraction that I often find to be helpful and even motivating. 

Have a hard stop: Since you are working from home you might find yourself working a little later into the evening. That’s why it is so important to have a hard stop because there will always be more work to do. I hope these tips help you, and that you get to enjoy just a few of the perks that working from home comes with.

Lastly, if you are feeling stressed or panicked about everything I cannot recommend incorporating meditation and a gratitude practice into your life. It may not change what is happening outside but it will 100% change how you are processing and reacting to these events. Sending all the love.

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  1. Steve says:

    “I cannot recommend incorporating meditation and a gratitude practice into your life. ”

    I think this got reversed somehow. Maybe “I strongly recommend incorporating meditation and a gratitude practice into your life.” You probably meant to say “I cannot recommend enough” but it comes out awkward even if you put that word back.

    Steve, working from home.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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