What I Read in May 2024

What I Read in May 2024

We are officially in one of my favorite reading times of the year! There are so many amazing books that have been or are just about to be released for summer reading. Honestly, I am a little overwhelmed trying to decide what to read next.  The month of May included a lot of beach reads […]

book review


What I Read in April 2024

book review

Creating Engaging Day In The Life Reels

social media

What I Read in March 2024

book review

book review

book review

Creating an Instagram Story Strategy for Your Brand

Creating an Instagram Story Strategy for Your Brand

Instagram Stories have been around since 2016 and this is not the first time we are chatting about them here on the blog! Check out some of my past posts here and here.  A lot about the Instagram landscape has drastically changed in the past year, not to mention the past seven years since stories […]

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This past month of reading was filled with such a mixed bag of genres and types of books, but boy were they great reads! I should warn you in advance all of these books were four to five-star reads and I can’t wait to dive into the reviews.  What I Read in April  Butcher & […]

What I Read in April 2024

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I have been making day-in-the-life content for Instagram reels and Tiktok videos since 2021 and in this post, I am sharing all the tips & tricks I have learned over the past few years. Hopefully, by the end of this, you will have the tools and resources you need to create your own day-in-the-life content.  […]

Creating Engaging Day In The Life Reels

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What I Read in March 2024

March felt like a blink and I think it has a lot to do with a trip on the front end and back end of the month. It’s also worth noting that both were road trips and I spent a lot of time in the car. Which is why I have a whole section devoted […]

What I Read in March 2024

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What I Read in February 2024

February may be shorter than all the other months of the year, but it was not lacking in books! I read a total of seven books this month and am excited to share my thoughts with you.  What I Read in February 2024 Shark Heart: this book was pitched to me as a heartbreaking romance […]

What I Read in February 2024

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Creating an Instagram Story Strategy for Your Brand

Instagram Stories have been around since 2016 and this is not the first time we are chatting about them here on the blog! Check out some of my past posts here and here.  A lot about the Instagram landscape has drastically changed in the past year, not to mention the past seven years since stories […]

Creating an Instagram Story Strategy for Your Brand

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As a small business owner, it’s hard to know what the right things are to invest in to help grow your business. I know from working with small business owners, and being one, for the past 7 years just how important every dollar is and that getting a return on your investment is not just […]

A Case for Investing in Strong Video Content


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What I Read in January 2024

This is my sixth year sharing what I have been reading on the blog and I am so grateful for this little community. Sharing about books and new authors is always one of my favorite things to do. The new year started strong with a lot of good books and a few new recent adds […]

What I Read in January 2024

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Portugal has been high on my list of places to visit for a long time and when my family decided that’s where we would be going on vacation this year, I was beyond excited! Our family is spread out across the United States and Europe, so getting together usually involves some long-haul travel. The last […]

Lisbon Travel Guide


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What I Read in 2023

With the start of a new year, means it’s time for my annual reading recap! This year was filled with so many amazing adventures, I filled my shelves with characters I wish were real, and I learned a little bit about a lot of different things.  For more detailed reviews you can check out my […]

Everything I Read in 2023

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