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10 Journaling Prompts for Your Biz for the New Year

December 22, 2020

I know there are a lot of new business owners out there this year. 2020 was a year of a lot of “bleh”, but in between the blehing, I saw a lot of people create more time and space to focus on what matters most to them and for a good handful that meant starting […]

I know there are a lot of new business owners out there this year. 2020 was a year of a lot of “bleh”, but in between the blehing, I saw a lot of people create more time and space to focus on what matters most to them and for a good handful that meant starting a side hustle or really taking their business to the next level. If you are one of those people, this is a great time to consider what’s next in your business, set goals, and really how to take stock of what you accomplished this past year. 

Journaling Prompts for the New Year

Let’s walk through an end of year journaling exercise to get you ready and excited about 2021. I recommend doing this on a day when you haven’t been in the weeds answering emails for 5-hours or have somewhere to be right away. You should take your time doing this and make it fun. Put on your favorite playlist, light a candle, shut the door to your “office” and put your phone away. 

Now that you have set the stage, I want you to clear your mind and take three deep breaths (the best way to know you are taking deep breaths is to make sure you are inhaling all the way into your stomach). Take out a journal, even if you aren’t “the journaling type” and find your favorite pen and let’s get started. 

10 Journaling Prompts for Your Biz
  1. What goals did I set for myself at the beginning of this year and did I stick to them? If I didn’t stick to them, why not? 
  2. What amazing things did I create this year (this may be an online community, money, a website, a steady revenue stream, etc.)? List them all out. I bet there are even more things than you realize. 
  3. What is the most exciting part of my work? What lights me up and gets me out of bed in the morning? How can I do more of that? 
  4. What things don’t I like? What can be taken off my plate to create more time and space for the stuff that truly matters?
  5. How do I feel when I look at the progress I have made this year? Look at this with no ego or judgment. 
  6. What do I want more of next year? Is it money, time, freedom? Whatever it is and it can be many things, write them down. 
  7. How can I have more _________  next year? (fill in the blank with the words from question 6)
  8. Is there a number or goal that makes me excited? This could be a revenue goal like six-figures or a goal of consistently blogging for an entire year or working with a certain dream client. Whatever it is that excites you, write it down. 
  9. If I reached this goal what would my life look like? How would it be different from today? Get really specific here.  Would it look like having money in savings or maybe always having bath bombs on hand, or would it give you the ability to travel? Describe this dream picture on paper.
  10. List out everything you are grateful for that has come from and will come from your business. And I mean EVERYTHING. Being grateful is the best way to signify to yourself and the universe that you truly are ready for more. 

I hope these prompts help you get clarity on what next year will look like and serves as a way to celebrate everything you have done this year. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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