social media

Why You Need to Be Using Instagram Stories

November 17, 2020

Anytime I work with a new client or get an email asking how to connect with and grow communities on Instagram or how to get people to purchase from Instagram, I respond with a question instead of an answer. “Are you showing up on Instagram Stories?” and the answer I get 90% of the time […]

Anytime I work with a new client or get an email asking how to connect with and grow communities on Instagram or how to get people to purchase from Instagram, I respond with a question instead of an answer. “Are you showing up on Instagram Stories?” and the answer I get 90% of the time is “Well, no not really.” 

Why You Need to Be Using Instagram Stories

That’s what inspired this blog post today! 

If you want to stand out and grow your business then you need to be showing up on Instagram Stories. Herr’s why. 

Think about the people who watch your stories as your BIGGEST supporters. These people want frequent updates on what you have to share. They are following along because they are invested. 

So when you aren’t there, what do they do? They leave your profile and go to someone else’s. 

Now maybe having that information is enough for you to say, “okay I am going to show up more frequently.” But if you need more convincing, here it is:
  • When you post a new story, your profile is pushed to the front of the story feed so people will click on yours first! No competing with an algorithm. 
  • Stories can be saved to a highlight so things like about me, frequently asked questions, and ways to learn more about your biz can be filmed once and viewed forever. 
  • Instagram stories don’t have to be perfect. Getting in front of a camera can feel scary, but stories are a less formal way to chat with your community. 
  • 500 million people use Instagram Stories. Your people are part of those 500 million. 
3 Reasons You May Not Be Showing Up
  1. Face to camera is scary: this is true, but you will only get more comfortable with practice! I recommend getting ready as if you were going to meet your Instagram community in person so that you feel confident and excited. 
  2. I have no idea what to say: been there! I always recommend starting by introducing yourself, then be sure to give some behind the scenes and educate your audience about your biz. Educating can be about new products, where they can find your latest blog post, or just share about why you started your business or blog. 
  3. I don’t watch them so why would I post them: because your community does watch them. By not taking advantage of the free marketing tool, you are missing out on the opportunity to reach new and current followers. 

Now, that you know just how impactful Instagram Stories are, I want to help you get started on the right foot. Join my FREE 5-Day Instagram Stories Challenge. This challenge will help you get comfortable, stand out, and connect with your community. 


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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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