
Creating a Morning Routine that Works For You

February 16, 2022

I want to start by saying that there is no one perfect morning routine. I have written about mine in the past, and you can bet I’ve read every “What successful women do before they start their day” article out there. There is never going to be a morning routine that works every day (even […]

I want to start by saying that there is no one perfect morning routine. I have written about mine in the past, and you can bet I’ve read every “What successful women do before they start their day” article out there. There is never going to be a morning routine that works every day (even the ones you create). When the pandemic first hit, I really lost touch with my morning routine because I wasn’t really leaving my house. Time was being a little funky, and I was just stressed. 

Creating a Morning Routine that Works For You

Over the past 6-months, I have been trying to cultivate a morning routine like I used to have, but a lot has changed since March 2020. Things like: 

  1. Continuing to work from home and not having in-person meetings almost ever. 
  2. Moving in with my boyfriend and his dog (two dogs is a lot different than one).
  3. Having more downtime in general after working hours. 
  4. Not living in a super walkable neighborhood. 
  5. Not going to in-person fitness classes. 

I am sure your list looks different than mine, but you’ve probably seen some lasting changes from the pandemic in your day-to-day as well. Once I realized this, it was like a light bulb went off. I had been trying to force my old routine to work when it no longer did. I also was being hard on myself when I didn’t complete my morning routine. 

Introducing the morning routine based on energy levels!

I first came across this idea on TikTok and have adapted it to fit my lifestyle and I LOVE it. Having three separate morning routine options has allowed me to start every day on the right foot, even if I am feeling lethargic. 

Creating a Morning Routine that Works For You

High Energy ✨☕️

  •  20-45 min workout
  • Shower
  • Skincare
  • Makeup
  • Hair
  • Journal for 15 minutes
  • 5-minute meditation
  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Plan day
  • Eat breakfast
  • Take vitamins

Mid Energy 💕🥐

  • 15-minute workout
  • Shower
  • Skincare
  • Hair
  • Makeup
  • Journal for 10 minutes
  • 5-minute meditation
  • Plan day
  • Eat breakfast
  • Take vitamins

Low Energy 🍳

  • Long walk around the neighborhood
  • Freshen up
  • 5-minute meditation
  • Prompted journal
  • Plan day
  • Eat breakfast
  • Take vitamins

I created this routine in Notion, which is an app that I can use on my computer or phone and it’s like a little checklist for me. I am not quite ready yet, but soon I will have templates available for Notion that you can use to organize your day, content calendar, finances, and travel. 


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  1. Carrie Kelleher says:

    I can’t wait for your notion templates!!

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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