
Quick Ways to Create Content

February 24, 2022

As a small business owner, we know that our time is at a premium, but we also are wearing many hats. You are likely the CEO, graphic designer, email specialist, website manager, and on top of that … you are the marketing director.  I wanted to share some “hacks” for creating content when you are […]

As a small business owner, we know that our time is at a premium, but we also are wearing many hats. You are likely the CEO, graphic designer, email specialist, website manager, and on top of that … you are the marketing director. 

Quick Ways to Create Content

I wanted to share some “hacks” for creating content when you are limited on time. 

Quick Ways to Create Content

  1. Pick a day this week to try out this tactic. Set an alarm to go off every 60 minutes throughout the day. When that alarm goes off, take a short 3-5 second video of what you are doing. You can upload these clips to IG stories or use them to make a short daily vlog on Instagram Reels and TikTok. Even if your business isn’t all about you, people will enjoy getting to see a little peek behind the scenes. Click here to see how I make my day-in-the-life reels. 
  2. Reuse top-performing content. Not every post needs to be something brand new. Go through your Instagram analytics and review your top 10 posts from the last year. Then download them, update the captions and schedule them. Chances are your audience has yet to see this post, won’t remember, or will enjoy seeing something that they loved a year ago resurface. 
  3. Create graphics in Canva. Canva is a great resource for creating graphics when you are short on time. Pick from one of their templates or create your own. Pro Tip: upload your brand kit so you have consistent colors, fonts, and logos. 
  4. Turn your most recent blog into a Reel. For example, if you wrote a blog post sharing your top 5 social media apps you use then turn that into a reel where you share 3 out of the five and direct people to read your blog post for the complete list. 
  5. Join my 30-Day Content Calendar Course and use the prompts to guide your posts. 
  6. Use other people’s content with permission. If there is a Reel or quote that you love from someone else online, reach out and ask if you can repost it. Here is the exact message you can use “Hey! We love this reel and would like to repost it with credit to you in the first line of the caption. Would that be okay?” 
  7. Photo dumps are very popular right now and all you have to do is upload a carousel of photos to share at the end of the week. You can caption it with a full recap or share your highs and lows from the week. 

I hope these tips help you create thoughtful, quality content that won’t take you an entire day.

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  1. Jo says:

    Great ideas, Bailey! I especially like #1 and #7. I think I’ll try those! Ps—I loved the fantastic material you shared in the Bloom Workshop last week. Thanks!

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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