
My 2022 Goals and Resolutions

January 27, 2022

I mentioned on social media that I wouldn’t be sharing my goals or resolutions until the end of the month, and that time has finally arrived. At the beginning of the year, I put a pause on goals and resolutions and tried to just let the year begin to unfold and boy am I glad […]

I mentioned on social media that I wouldn’t be sharing my goals or resolutions until the end of the month, and that time has finally arrived. At the beginning of the year, I put a pause on goals and resolutions and tried to just let the year begin to unfold and boy am I glad I did. 2022 did not start according to plan and the first couple of weeks off January felt like a lot. I am so grateful I didn’t put extra pressure on myself to have the perfect morning routine, a meal plan every week, and big business goals to get after. If that worked for you this year, that’s great but I have to say I am much happier having eased into this month. 

woman in office sitting on chair

2022 Goals and Resolutions

Staying really consistent

This is one thing I want to implement in both my business and personal life. Last year I had really good spurts of staying active or sharing the amount of social media posts I wanted or meeting some savings goals. Overall though, I want to be more consistent. The best way for me to implement this is by starting really small instead of adding in 100 new things to my day to keep consistent. 

Moving my body regularly

This goal definitely goes back to my goal of being consistent. I love a good workout on my Peloton, a yoga class, and outdoor adventures. Not every workout has to be me giving 110% and feeling burnt out at the end of the week. So this year I will be listening to what my body needs and giving it that. 

Fostering creativity daily

It can be so easy to just go on autopilot and honestly after two years in a pandemic, I needed to go into autopilot. But I am hopeful that 2022 is a year that we can get out of survival mode. I want to get back to enjoying weekdays instead of just wake up, work, dinner, TV, sleep, repeat. The best way for me to be creative is to live life away from the phone and the endless scroll. 

Reading a little more than I read the year before

I never set an official reading goal because this is a fun activity for me and I don’t want it to become a chore. That said, this year I would like to read a little bit more than the last. In 2021 I read a total of 50 books. 

Growing my business

This is a little bit of a vague goal, but I don’t want to bore you all with the numbers. My goal is always to grow my business both revenue-wise and new milestones like reaching 1 million downloads on my podcast Soul + Wit. I have a lot of fun ideas for this year and am just so grateful that I get the opportunity to work with so many inspiring small business owners. 

Increase my blog traffic by 20%

This is an important goal for me this year because my blog is one of my favorite parts of my job and I would love to share it with more people and create more content for it. Your website and your email list are the only things that you really own and have control over, unlike social platforms like Instagram who’s algorithm can change at any time. I also just want to say, thank you. Thank you for coming to my blog. It truly means the world to me. 

Launch a new product (I am seriously so excited for this one)

Ahhh! I can’t share too much yet but I am going to be launching this in the spring and it’s been about a year in the making. 

Wherever you are with your 2022 goals and resolutions, I want to wish you a happy, healthy, fun year. 

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  1. Heather says:

    I too read 50 books in 2021! I actually made my goal for 2022 26 just to feel less pressure – but I’m already six books in. I decided not to make goals either aside from ‘live more mindfully and creatively.’ In 2021 I gave up alcohol for the year so I need a break from the self led challenges!

    PS I have Verity on hold at the library…

  2. Cheri Paulsen says:

    Thanks for sharing! I too eased my way into 2022 and have decided to work from a 1-page quarterly goal plan for less overwhelm and more focus. Daily exercise (which can be outside playing with the dog!) is also a key goal for me too!

  3. Beth says:

    I really like this idea of starting slow to the new year. Also I like the delayed announcement of year goals. For me, I would like to add to my year 8 minute meditations, utilizing my gratitude journal most days of the week, and drinking more water. Now I need a suggestion on how to consistently track those soft goals.

  4. Jen says:

    I recently found your Soul & Wit podcast and love it! On the staying consistent goal, two things that helped me so much in 2021 were reading the Atomic Habits book by James Clear and discovering the HardCORE on the floor workout calendar/group on Instagram (@hcotf2018) and #HardCORE on the Floor on Facebook.

    The creator of the group is a certified fitness trainer and puts out a calendar of workouts to follow each month from the Peloton app. I don’t do all of them but use it as a guide and add in walking and cycling. You can do as much or as little of it and still get results. I like having the structure to follow instead of randomly picking classes. Even if you don’t want to do the calendar, seeing everyone’s supportive posts and awesome results is so motivating and helpful. That FB group is over 300k and is amazing with people of all ages/shapes/sizes.

    The combo of these two have been game changers for me; I’ve been more consistent with exercise/meditation than I ever have before. I just wanted to mention them in case they help you too.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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