
My Wants, Hopes, and Dreams for 2023

January 25, 2023

It’s the end of January which means it’s time for my annual New Year post where I share different goals, bucket list items, things I am excited about, etc. You can read last year’s post here.  I don’t like to share these types of posts at the beginning of the year because I am usually […]

It’s the end of January which means it’s time for my annual New Year post where I share different goals, bucket list items, things I am excited about, etc. You can read last year’s post here.  I don’t like to share these types of posts at the beginning of the year because I am usually winding down from the holidays and my busiest time of the year, work-wise. 

So consider this your permission to set your 2023 intentions now, it’s not too late.

Read a little more than the year before: this is a goal every year until I feel overwhelmed by reading or it becomes more chore than joyful hobby. If you are trying to read more this year, I highly recommend making a commitment to read something everyday. It could just be one sentence but the daily habit will turn into something so much more. 

Create more than I consume online: I have been working in digital marketing for the past 7 years, first for a 9-5, and then for myself and my clients. And let me tell you I have consumed a whole lot of content. This year I am trying to find the balance of enjoying the internet and not letting it take over. I thought this rule would help keep me in line. 

Finish a REALLY big goal that I can’t tell you anything about. That’s all I am going to say, and when it’s done maybe I will share with you! I hope if you have a scary goal or dream that this is the year you decide to take a little risk and dive in. 

Focus on growing the podcast: the Soul + Wit podcast is one of my favorite parts of my job and it’s something I want to continue to grow and will be focusing more time here. Expect more intriguing interviews, lots of laughs, and more ways to connect with us!

Spend my time, money, and energy meaningfully: if I only do one thing this year I hope this is it. I got to the end of 2022 feeling like I wasn’t able to focus on what was important to me. I also believe that when we focus on this the rest falls into place. 

Take one trip that is new and exciting to me: I am not sure what this will be, but I am staying open to possibility. A few ideas that have been brewing since 2020 are Half Dome, PNW Van road trip, or maybe even an east coast adventure. 

Take one trip that is all about relaxing: this kind of vacation can be the hardest to actually arrange when you are a social media manager but I am determined to have a true vacation, ideally lying on a beach. 

One last reminder if reading this list made you feel stressed, overwhelmed( because it’s one more list to make and thing to keep up with), or anything besides excited and looking forward to the months ahead, that’s okay! You don’t need a list of goals or a word to guide you to enjoy your year, just take it one day at a time. If you ever feel excited to do this practice feel free to come back to it. 

If you want to see how I am keeping track of my goals to make sure this year doesn’t just slip by, then read this post. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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