
Camera Dumps and Other Social Media Trends

January 19, 2023

If you are subscribed to my newsletter (which I HIGHLY recommend you do if you aren’t) then you know we have been chatting about what to post on Instagram instead of Reels. During 2022 I pivoted a lot of my own content and my client’s content to be Reel focused on Instagram. All signs pointed […]

If you are subscribed to my newsletter (which I HIGHLY recommend you do if you aren’t) then you know we have been chatting about what to post on Instagram instead of Reels. During 2022 I pivoted a lot of my own content and my client’s content to be Reel focused on Instagram. All signs pointed to that being the best way to do things like…

  • Reach the most amount of people
  • Gain new followers
  • Get sales
  • Make $$$ from the creator program
  • Go viral

With all of those bullet points listed in front of you it seems like a no brainer to post almost exclusively Reels right? Wrong!

“But Bailey, my stories barely reach anyone and my static photo posts get only like 20 likes.” 

Trust me, I hear you! I do. I was saying that to myself and my clients but the reality is that on Instagram you need to post consistently. And if you are not a full-time content creator then it can be pretty hard to have at least one post a day going up, especially in the beginning! 

The longer you have been creating content, the more video clips you have to work with, you know which tools help you, and you get better/faster at editing over time. 

I kept finding myself having strong weeks of content and then a complete drop off, even if posts were going up they weren’t reaching as many people and they definitely weren’t going viral. Except this one, which I still am not sure why it did. 

That’s when I realized by trying to be efficient with the content, and all the things one piece of content could do (see the above list), I had burnt myself out. 

I wasn’t creating good or creative content and you probably aren’t either if you are reading this. 

By adding in a good mix of types of posts and not relying on one post to do it all, I have been able to grow my account, take back more time, and even have a little bit more fun! 

So if you are looking to mix up your content, here is a list of three types of social media trends that you can try. Be sure to check out the examples and then make it your own. Don’t be afraid to get creative. 

Collage Post – my version

Try adding in a collage or moodboard type post to your Instagram Feed. You can check out templates on Canva or create your own. Here are a few examples of posts that do this well!

  • @flourishplanner uses cover photos on her reels that feature different collages and moodboards. This helps keep her feed cohesive. 
  • @sezane does this sometimes as a reel cover photo or static image before releasing a new collection. 
  • showcases mood boards that she creates for clients. They make you feel included in the process. 

Photo Dump Post – my version

You have seen these all over Instagram and they are a fun, less curated way to share what you have been up to lately. Think of these similarly to how you think about your Instagram Stories. If you are looking for the queen of photo dumps click here (I included some of her suggestions in the list below).

Here are a list of ideas of what to include in your photo dump:

  1. Selfie
  2. Outfit photo
  3. Food
  4. Candid photo with friends/family
  5. Screenshot of a text, song, reminder, or calendar invite 
  6. A BeReal from the week
  7. Pets
  8. Candid photo of you
  9. Book
  10. An interior in your home, a restaurant, a hotel, or your work place
  11. Nails
  12. Shoes and beverage 

Letters & Notes 

This one is a little easier to show instead of tell.

You can turn these posts into a carousel with multiple reminders, notes, love letters, etc. for people to see. When you use a carousel you will see higher engagement. Feel free to get creative, write on anything and write in cursive or with a silver gel pen, whatever makes you happy!

Here is a great example of a way to turn this into a reel too.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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