
Golden Coil Planner Walkthrough – 2023

February 1, 2023

One of my favorite things of all time is my planner and not just ANY planner. Mine is a completely customizable one from Golden Coil. Before we dive into this post, I want to clarify that this is not a sponsored post, but it has been HIGHLY requested by a lot of you. I have […]

One of my favorite things of all time is my planner and not just ANY planner. Mine is a completely customizable one from Golden Coil. Before we dive into this post, I want to clarify that this is not a sponsored post, but it has been HIGHLY requested by a lot of you. I have used a Golden Coil Planner for the past 3 years and they have generously gifted them to me. 

This is one product that I truly think is worth the price point if you will actually use it and here is why. 

Why Golden Coil Planners are Worth the $$$

  1. You can design it to start and end on any date. No waiting for the new year or having loads of unused pages. You can also make it only 6 months long if you want to keep it smaller! 
  2. All the pages are customizable to fit your planning needs. They seriously have a layout for everything!
  3. Easily upload family birth dates when designing your planner and they will be printed in.
  4. The quality is unmatched. I take my planner everywhere and these planners truly hold up. 

My Planner Layout

This year I opted to keep my planner really simple since I am using more online trackers for things like my reading lists and meal planning. In the past, I have loved the goals and bucket list pages under lifestyle. 

Cover designed by Ryan Scrafford 

Monthly Spread

Meeting Notes x 2

Brain Dump (ideas)

To Do

Weekly Double Page Horizontal 2

If you have been considering getting a Golden Coil Planner I cannot recommend them enough, and if you just love geeking out about cool planner things give them a follow. I found this little tiny planner robot printer from them! 

P.S. If you are in school or have a family member in high school or college this would be an amazing gift! They have special layouts for homework, your school schedule, etc. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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