book review

What I Read in June 2023

July 10, 2023

It’s usually around July when I usually start to panic about how many more books there are to read this year, and this year is no exception! There are so many amazing new releases to come.  I have been making more time for reading lately and prioritizing my reading time over scrolling time and I […]

It’s usually around July when I usually start to panic about how many more books there are to read this year, and this year is no exception! There are so many amazing new releases to come. 

I have been making more time for reading lately and prioritizing my reading time over scrolling time and I am really enjoying myself. If you want more up-to-date reading reviews or want to read along with me, be sure to follow me on Storygraph. 

Books I read in June 2023.

What I Read in June

Nora Goes Off Script: I had been holding onto this book for so long and I don’t know what I was waiting for. I finished this book in less than 48 hours and loved every minute of it. Nora is a recently divorced screenwriter for the romance channel. She turns the collapse of her marriage into a best-selling script and the production company uses her home to film parts of the movie. When Leo, who plays Nora’s husband in the movie, decides to stay longer well that’s when the story really begins. A second chance love story filled with wise words!

A Court of Thorns and Roses: this book is another that sat in my TBR for almost an entire year. Before I give my review, I do need to preface this by saying fantasy is not my favorite genre. I totally get the hype of this book and why it has sold millions of copies. The world Sara J. Mass creates is vivid and the pacing of the book is quick. You too will fall in love with the tragic love story and if you like to read about a hero’s journey then I highly recommend picking this book up. I am still only 40 pages into book two and unsure if I will finish. 

Same Time Next Summer: once I finished Nora Goes Off Script I knew I needed to read her next book. This is a second-chance romance that is set in a beach town that will have you jealous of the characters. Sam is a woman with her life on track. She has a job, a fiance, and is making wedding plans. When Sam and her finance go to her family’s beach house on the coast to tour a wedding venue, she doesn’t expect to run into Wyatt her first love. This book is so sweet and will have you happy smiling the whole way through. 

The Daydreams: I don’t want to give too much away with this book, because I think it reads very much like a thriller. But, don’t worry there is nothing scary in this book! Think if Hannah Montana went off the air because their top star went off the deep end and now, 15 years later they were having a reunion. This book does a great job of exploring the tragedies of working in Hollywood at a young age. 

The Kingdom of Prep: I listened to the audiobook version of this and HIGHLY recommend doing that. The narrator is really engaging in my opinion. If you love J.Crew then this non-fiction book about the rise, fall, rise, and fall again of J.Crew. The author explores the history from the very beginning to present-day J.Crew. 

Flux: this was Literary League’s pick for June and it was definitely outside of our normal selections which was fun. If you enjoy reading books with confusing timelines, exploring grief and trauma, always trying to guess or predict how the story comes together, or time travel then maybe try this book out. The cyclical storytelling and constantly trying to figure out what was going on kept the pages turning for me!

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Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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