
The New World of AI and How you Should and Shouldn’t Use it for your Biz

March 30, 2023

Because it feels like you can’t spend more than 60 seconds online without hearing about some new AI too, it felt like the right time to start the discussion about how you should and shouldn’t be using AI tools in your business. If you aren’t familiar with AI tools and their capabilities I recommend starting […]

Because it feels like you can’t spend more than 60 seconds online without hearing about some new AI too, it felt like the right time to start the discussion about how you should and shouldn’t be using AI tools in your business. If you aren’t familiar with AI tools and their capabilities I recommend starting here for a brief overview.

I want to specifically focus on ChatGPT for this conversation, but please comment with your thoughts and questions on other tools as well. If you haven’t used ChatGPT before I highly recommend taking a detour and watching this example video I created. 

Now that you know how it works, I bet you are already thinking about the ways you could use this tool in your business. It could write your newsletter, entire blog posts, captions, etc. The list is truly endless, but of course, there is always a catch.
While the language model ChatGPT uses is very good, it also isn’t human. There isn’t an authentic voice, and with more and more people using this tool, you are going to see a whole lot of the same shit. 

Remember when Canva first launched logos and all of a sudden everyone had the same logo making them almost indistinguishable? People who had invested in good branding stood out and ultimately were more successful. I think the same can be applied here, and ultimately do you really want to create a business that is just copied and pasted from a robot? My guess is no.

While we are still learning the ins and outs and pros and cons of AI, in terms of sharing content, video, and personal story are two ways to differentiate and stand out in a sea of robot-generated content.  

All that being said, this tool can be used in a myriad of ways to help you cut down on time in certain areas of your business. 

Here are a few ways I recommend using ChatGPT in your business.

  • Ask it to come up with post ideas for your business. 
  • Write templates for customer service emails or social media responses. 
  • Ask it common questions within your niche. You can use these for inspiration for blog posts or newsletters. 
  • Have it outline a blog post, newsletter, or landing page. 
  • Ask it to generate hashtags for a post you created. 
  • Have it come up with hooks for social media captions.

With the increase in AI content over the next year, I think you will start to see a shift away from quick snappy captions and a return to the longer storytelling of the blogging days. Something, I am personally excited about!

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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