
5 Recipes I Can’t Stop Making in Quarantine

May 21, 2020

Since quarantine started I have been cooking a lot more than usual, like everyone else. I try to only get takeout once or twice a week and only go to the grocery store every two weeks. This has worked out for me so far, besides ALL the dishes. If you have been getting bored with […]

Since quarantine started I have been cooking a lot more than usual, like everyone else. I try to only get takeout once or twice a week and only go to the grocery store every two weeks. This has worked out for me so far, besides ALL the dishes. If you have been getting bored with your meals or just are looking for a few easy recommendations I am sharing my list with you. 

5 Recipes I Can’t Stop Making in Quarantine

Banana Bread: I bake a loaf of banana bread probably once every other week. Sometimes for myself and sometimes to give to family or friends. This recipe is easy to follow and comes out perfect every time!

Dalgona Coffee: This beautiful cloud coffee quickly started making the rounds on social media and I treat myself to a cup once or twice a week. Be warned it is a lot of sugar and caffeine. 

5 Recipes I Can't Stop Making in Quarantine

Chocolate Chip Cookies: Can you say comfort food? I love chocolate chip cookies and truth be told I am mostly baking these from a tube BUT here is the recipe I use when I make my own dough. 

Margaritas: To be fair I don’t think I ever made a margarita before quarantine BUT since it started I have made a couple and really perfected my spicy margarita recipe. 

5 Recipes I Can't Stop Making in Quarantine

Juice of 1 lime
Splash of OJ
1/4 of a jalapeño
1.5 oz tequila .5 oz triple sec
Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake as if this was your workout for the day. Pour over ice into a glass. For extra flavor rim your glass with lime and Valentina seasoning.

Pancakes: Every weekend I make an epic pancake brunch with a different recipe. Here are a few that I have tried and loved!

For when you don’t have milk.

The dutch one. 

The perfect one.

5 Recipes I Can't Stop Making in Quarantine

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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