
Why You Should Get Out of Your PJs Every Morning (to increase productivity)

May 22, 2018

If you are new to this whole entrepreneur/freelance thing, then you probably have gone through some of the things I am going to talk about today. Working for yourself is an extreme privilege. I love being able to set my own schedule and have my office come with me wherever I go. Working your typical […]

If you are new to this whole entrepreneur/freelance thing, then you probably have gone through some of the things I am going to talk about today. Working for yourself is an extreme privilege. I love being able to set my own schedule and have my office come with me wherever I go. Working your typical 9-5 was not for me. This doesn’t mean I would never go back, but for the time being, going solo is the right move for me. I tend to work best first thing in the morning, or after a great meal, or with really loud music. These things don’t always fit in an office setting.

Even though I am a highly motivated person, I spent my first couple weeks “adjusting” *cough* enjoying my freedom *cough*. I took my mornings slow, caught up on Netflix shows, and I definitely took a few naps. Gasp I know! That phase was short lived and became boring pretty quickly. I always joke with my friends that I can do whatever, because I don’t have a job, but the reality is I am working a lot. It just doesn’t always look like typical work.

Though I haven’t put many rules in place for myself, I have one that I highly recommend you adopt today! Get ready to go out every single morning even if you plan to work from home all day. Get out of those PJs, take a shower, and do your hair. It is so important to start separating your work life from your home life because those lines will blur. Getting out of your PJs every morning doesn’t mean you have to dress for the office. You get to set your own dress code, but I highly recommend choosing closing that doesn’t inspire napping all day.

By adopting the small habit of getting out of your PJs every morning, you will see your productivity increase, feel more professional, and you will enjoy and feel like putting your laptop down and relaxing at the end of the day is well deserved.

P.S. There is a time and place for soft, cute PJs! See below for my favorites.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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