
January and February Book Roundup

March 11, 2019

We’re at the end of February and I am happy to say I have read five books so far this year. My goal is to hit 52 books by the end of the year, and I still think that’s attainable. Something about the snowy weather just makes me want to devour an entire book in […]

We’re at the end of February and I am happy to say I have read five books so far this year. My goal is to hit 52 books by the end of the year, and I still think that’s attainable.

book reads

Something about the snowy weather just makes me want to devour an entire book in one sitting. An even bigger accomplishment for me has been going five whole days without opening up Netflix because I was on such a reading kick. One of my worst habits is my binge watching. I swear I have seen everything on Netflix, and I am working my way through Hulu too.

These are the books that kept me turning the page so far this year.

book reads

ONE// The Proposal: I love a good romance novel and this book was no exception, I finished in about two days.

TWO// 99% Mine: Thank you Bad On Paper podcast for suggesting this book! It has love, loss, illness, and even some steamy scenes. It’s about Darcy, who finally has a chance at getting together with her longtime childhood crush.

THREE// The Girl Who Smiled Beads: I have been trying to fit in memoirs and non-fiction books this year. Clemantine was six when the Rwandan Genocide began and changed her life forever. This story is not just about reflections on war but the aftermath and rebuilding a life.

FOUR// The Female Persuasion: All I can really say about this book is go order it right now! This novel follows Greer Kadesky from shy college freshman through her feminism driven career.

FIVE// Maid: I am still finishing the last section of this book while writing this post, but I am most of the way through it and have been recommending it to family and friends. Maid is about a mother who struggles through poverty and becomes a house cleaner to try to make ends meet for herself and her daughter while finishing college. This memoir is truly inspirational and even further it sheds light on welfare and Medicaid systems and the flaws and misconceptions with them.

Here is what I have lined up to read over the next few weeks:

Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t


Photos by Camber Weiss. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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