Planning your work schedule as a freelancer is super important. Anyone who has recently done this knows that you learn this skill fast. When I first started on my own, I was really embracing the lax work schedule, sleeping in, doing chores throughout the day, etc. After a couple of weeks of settling in and enjoying myself, it was clear that was not the way things could go for very long if I wanted to grow my business. Although I still have flexibility; I am able to set my own schedule and I have much more time to do things like travel, I have also come up with a schedule that keeps me productive, happy and growing.
Please note: how I plan my day as a freelancer may not work for you. I recommend trying out different tactics and then settling into what works the very best for you. If you have any tips, I would love to hear about them in the comments below.
How I Plan My Work Day as a Freelancer
SUNDAY// I do my very best to prepare myself for the week ahead by doing a few things on Sunday evening. First I go through my Instagram DMs and make sure I am all caught up. Then I go through my email inbox. I don’t always clear out my inbox but I gauge what is going on and respond to anything that needs attention right away. The last thing I do is write out a list of all the things I know I need to get done in the upcoming week. This list is very similar week to week, so it takes little to no brain power. I try to get this all done in 90 minutes.
MONDAY// I happen to be extremely productive on Monday mornings. I’m usually in work clothing and at my desk before 9 AM and I just jump right into the tasks I wrote out the night before until about noon. After I get through my list I take a break and go for a walk, meditate, and fill out my journal if I haven’t already done these things. I also make sure to have lunch far away from my computer. This 30-minute to hour recharge is so important. I finish off the afternoon by answering emails before going to client meetings. I am normally done with work by 5 pm.
TUESDAY// This is one of my big client meeting days. I spend anywhere from 2-4 hours meeting with clients and take calls if needed outside of that. Between 3 pm and 6 pm, I try to get all my daily tasks done and respond to emails. You can find me working a little later on Tuesdays as I like to get started on my newsletter and blog post for the week.
WEDNESDAY// After two days of productivity I take Wednesday mornings off. I check my email first thing in the morning and then go to a cycling class, take my dog for a long walk, or just read. I have found that using this time to have structured free time makes the rest of my week more productive. In the afternoon I do any daily tasks, answer emails, and make a good list for my Thursday and Friday. I typically am finished working by 5 pm.
THURSDAY// Say hello to miss productive! I wake up on Thursdays ready to jump into work. I am usually starting work before 8 am and I start with the list I made the previous day. Then I have client meetings in the afternoon and then usually work until 6 or 7 pm finishing up any posts or social media planning for my own site.
FRIDAY// I try to make Fridays the day that I do the tasks that take low-level brain function. This includes scheduling approved content, responding to quick emails, and doing research on what is happening in the marketing and social media world. The last thing I try to do is create content on Friday afternoons just to make the most of work hours while still having fun.
SATURDAY// I try to stay far far away from email and Instagram on Saturdays. Occasionally I need to check in but for the most part, my Saturdays remain sacred.
Hopefully reading how I structure my week as a freelancer will help you create a productive schedule for yourself. Don’t forget to check out my must-have items for my at home office to help you plan your work day.
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