
How I Keep My Business Organized

August 18, 2022

I am a pretty organized person. You may already know this about me. I love my spreadsheets and planners and color coding is my love language. Over the years I have shared some of my tips and templates that I use to keep myself organized, but I wanted to dedicate an entire blog post about […]

I am a pretty organized person. You may already know this about me. I love my spreadsheets and planners and color coding is my love language. Over the years I have shared some of my tips and templates that I use to keep myself organized, but I wanted to dedicate an entire blog post about how I keep my business organized so that it’s all in one place. 

Before I dive into all of my organization tools and systems I think it’s important to remind you that you need to create a system that works for you. Some of the ways I do things may seem silly or not as streamlined as possible, but they work for me. 


Client Management and Contracts

I use Honeybooks for all of my client contracts, communication, and invoicing. While the platform is a little pricey, it is well worth the cost. You can also create workflows so that when you have a new inquiry you can automatically send clients a questionnaire or list of services etc. It can be a huge time saver. Use this link to take 50% off one of their plans. 


Before I talk about any of this my top recommendation is to work with an accountant. I use the Profit First System to organize how I pay myself, expenses, and taxes. Highly recommend using this system if you are self-employed. I use Quickbooks for all of my bookkeeping. 

Content Calendars 

I use google sheets or Notion for my content calendars. I primarily use Google Sheets for all client work because it’s collaborative and most people are familiar with it. You can download a free version of my content calendar here. 

I use Notion for my own content management. 

Lastly, I use Planoly for all visual content calendars. 


This is one of the areas where I think things could be more streamlined, but I am happy with the process. I have a few different standing meetings each week with different clients, and all of those meetings are sent via Google Calendar invites. That way I know my clients have it on their schedule. I then go through and add all of those meetings and any other ones I have without clients to my paper Golen Coil Planner. My planner is the end all be all reference point and gets updated at least once a day. 

Content Storage 

This is everyone’s favorite question and my least favorite one to answer because I have a serious storage problem on my phone. I am not looking for tips. I will be getting a new phone in September. So, with that said, I pay for iPhone photo storage so all my photos and videos are backed up to the cloud. 

When clients share photos/videos with me I store them in a Google Drive or Dropbox folder and I label them client name and either a date of the photoshoot or a description of the shoot. 

This is also how I share any content I create for clients or brands. 

Lastly, all of my blog post drafts are in a Google Drive folder. 

If there are any other organization tips you are looking for be sure to leave your questions in the comments below. 

For more organization tips, click here.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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