
Fall Bucket List

September 13, 2022

The air is getting crisper and the sun is setting earlier, which means fall is just around the corner. This summer was amazing but I am definitely looking forward to cozy days and early nights. I don’t know if anyone else feels like this but every fall I find myself wondering where the season went. […]

The air is getting crisper and the sun is setting earlier, which means fall is just around the corner. This summer was amazing but I am definitely looking forward to cozy days and early nights. I don’t know if anyone else feels like this but every fall I find myself wondering where the season went. However, this year I am determined to have a fall that lasts, and to do that I decided to start with a plan. I used to make yearly and seasonal bucket lists all the time, but I haven’t really made one since the pandemic. It feels like the perfect time to start them back up, and I will be documenting my fall bucket list on TikTok. 

Rules for the bucket list:

Beautiful Detour's Fall Bucket List

I believe that every list or plan needs a set of rules, mostly a set of rules that let you pivot. 

  1. If you decide not to complete something on this list, that is totally fine!
  2. You can substitute in other items.
  3. You cannot add more items to this list until it is finished. 
  4. You will not sacrifice feeling good for finishing the entire bucket list. 

What’s on my fall bucket list: 

Beautiful Detour's Fall Bucket List

  1. Host a fall dinner with friends.
  2. Go to a pumpkin patch.
  3. Carve pumpkins. 
  4. Decorate my front door for fall.
  5. Enjoy hot apple cider.
  6. Participate in a spooky readathon.
  7. Watch all the fall Gilmore Girls episodes in one day.
  8. Go leaf peeping. 
  9. Make fall bouquets for my home.
  10. Bake one new fall recipe. 
  11. Spend a cozy day playing games and no phones.
  12. Take the dogs to the park to play in the leaves.
  13. Have a “spooky” movie night. 
  14. Make a meal from fresh farmer’s market purchases. 
  15. Go to Oktoberfest in the mountains. 

I hope this list helps inspire you to create your own fall bucket list, and I would love to hear what’s on your list. Let me know in the comments below if you plan to make one!

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  1. Brandon says:

    Oktoberfest at Snowbird is so so fun.

  2. Janell says:

    Love this list! Doing one for myself, borrowing a couple items from your list. 🍁🍂

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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