
Christmas Hacks and Traditions

December 15, 2023

I thought it was finally the time to share a little more about my Christmas Day and share some tips that I have learned over the years to help make the day go smoothly. One of the reasons I love Christmas is because it’s such a relaxing day for my family and me.  We get […]

I thought it was finally the time to share a little more about my Christmas Day and share some tips that I have learned over the years to help make the day go smoothly. One of the reasons I love Christmas is because it’s such a relaxing day for my family and me. 

We get to spend a day together, eat good food, open some presents, watch a movie, and that is it! I try to stay in pajamas all day and just soak everything up.

Christmas Hacks and Traditions

There isn’t anything super fancy or any firm traditions, just that it should be a day spent together. With that said there are some things I like to prepare in advance to make Christmas Day as stress-free and easy as possible. Keep in mind I do not have kids, and I celebrate Christmas most often with just my mom, stepdad, and two dogs. These tips would work for hosting larger groups too though! 

Tips and Hacks

Create a box or basket day of with all your Christmas Day supplies. Below is a little list of what I have included ini mine. 

  • Scissors
  • Batteries (AAA and AA) 
  • A pen and notepad (for thank you notes)
  • Tape  

Put a simmer pot on the morning of to have a house that smells delicious without the risk of candle flames and wrapping paper. 

*Pro tip lower your heat a little in the house, your oven should heat up your home a little. 

Have the menu for the day be items that can be prepared in advance so that you don’t have to be in the kitchen all day. Below are some recipe recommendations that I think would have a big impact but none of the effort daay of. 

Wrap your kitchen island/dining table/serving area with wrapping paper or kraft paper to make cleanup a breeze! I know some people opt for elaborate dining setups, but personally, I am team whatever makes clean up quick and getting to bed quicker. Pick a festive paper or keep it simple with kraft brown paper. 

Have a few movies in mind for the afternoon lull that hopefully turns into a little nap. Below are the ones my family has watched or ones that are just perfect for the day. 

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • Soul 
  • Klaus
  • Noelle 

I hope you have the best day celebrating and that these tips make it a little easier to be more present with your friends and family on Christmas. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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