
A Letter To My Mom on Graduation

May 5, 2017

We did it! Today I am part of the graduating class of the University of Utah with a major in journalism. There are so many people who have made this accomplishment possible, but there is one person in particular who I wanted to thank. My mom. If you and I have met before, you would […]

We did it! Today I am part of the graduating class of the University of Utah with a major in journalism. There are so many people who have made this accomplishment possible, but there is one person in particular who I wanted to thank. My mom.

A Letter to my Mom

If you and I have met before, you would know that the coolest person I talk about is my mom. So it’s no surprise that she is also one of the most important people in my life.

Dear Mom,

Yes, today is a celebration of late nights in the library, online math classes, and surviving animation but it is also a celebration about you. You have helped me become the person I am today. You have made this possible through endless support; from helping me move to Australia after my freshman year to listening to me on the phone while I get my morning coffee. But that’s just college…

You are my Project Runway binge watching partner and the person that was patient while I cycled through all the foreign languages offered in high school (none of them really worked out). This is the perfect part to say we’ve had our ups and downs but to me it seems like we’ve had ups and then more ups.

I am so proud to be your daughter. You have shown me that perseverance is everything and to walk into every room and act like you know what the hell you are doing (even though no one does). You are the reason I know risks pay off and to always go for my dreams, no matter what. I can’t imagine where I would be without you as a role model.

A Letter to my Mom

A few more thank yous that I haven’t said

Thank you for always telling me I could do it, even when they were far fetched ideas. Because of this, I have been able to see parts of the world I never thought about.

Thank you for teaching me to always be me. Well, because of this I get a little annoying but I think I’m just funny.

Thank you for being there all the time. I know that I always have someone to call no matter what.

Thank you for watching the last season of Gilmore Girls in one day. Even though we felt sick by the end. I needed to know what happened.

Thank you for well, basically everything.

I know that I couldn’t be the rockin graduate I am today without the coolest person in my life, my Mom. You made this happen, so happy graduation to us!



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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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