
5 Women Hosted Podcasts to Subscribe To

August 30, 2022

Podcasts have always been one of my favorite ways to learn and enjoy content. There is something about hearing the tone in people’s voices and the banter that just stands out compared to a blog post or Instagram caption. I have to say I am also CRAZY loyal to podcasters. If I have decided to […]

Podcasts have always been one of my favorite ways to learn and enjoy content. There is something about hearing the tone in people’s voices and the banter that just stands out compared to a blog post or Instagram caption. I have to say I am also CRAZY loyal to podcasters. If I have decided to commit more than a month to listening to the podcast I will probably be there for life and follow said podcaster on all platforms. 

5 Podcasts to Subscribe To

With that said I love to listen to one-off episodes and interviews of people I admire and I try out new podcasts all the time. If you have a favorite, be sure to leave them in the comments at the end of this post, so that everyone can check them out. 

Five Podcasts You Should Subscribe To

ONE// Bad on Paper: this has been a long-time favorite and they recently got a new host Olivia Muenter who is phenomenal. This is a book-focused podcast, but they also touch on travel, salary negotiation, sharing their highs and lows, and have amazing guests on the show. Listen here.

TWO// Be There In Five: if you like deep dives into pop culture look no further. Kate Spencer is a fun and conscientious host. She doesn’t take herself too seriously but still manages to make me cry in 25% of her episodes. She creates well-researched highly entertaining episodes. Listen here. Her patreon is also a 10/10. 

THREE// Call Your Girlfriend: is a podcast for long-distance besties, hosted by Animatou Sow and Ann Friedman. This podcast is no longer still being created but the backlist of episodes is long and if you want to learn more about friendship and hear great storytelling I highly recommend giving it a listen. Listen here. I highly recommend reading the book they co-wrote called Big Friendship. 

FOUR// Romcom Pods: for anyone looking to just be entertained through their daily walk or night time re-set I highly recommend listening to all of the Rom Com Pod seasons. This is a fiction rom-com podcast with voice actors to play all the different roles. It’s such a fun listen and I think my favorite was the most recent one Showmance! Listen to them all here. 

FIIVE// The Shit No One Tells You About Writing: is a newer subscription for me but I am LOVING it! If you want to learn more about book writing and publishing I highly recommend subscribing. This is also a great one to select episodes based on topics you are most interested in. Listen here. 

5 Podcasts to Subscribe To
BONUS// Soul + Wit: my mom and I started a podcast together at the end of 2019 and have loved creating weekly episodes to share every Monday. We talk about simplicity, wellness, happiness, and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we interview amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life. Listen here. And if you already listen to our podcast be sure to check out our Patreon where we release monthly favorites, bonus episodes, and more.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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