
5 Post Ideas for When You Are Feeling Stuck

March 22, 2023

Have you been opening up Instagram or Tiktok, only to consume WAY more content instead of actually creating anything? We’ve all been there and I have a few tips to help get you out of consumer mode and into creator mode. PLUS I will be sharing 5 post ideas to get you started.  How to […]

Have you been opening up Instagram or Tiktok, only to consume WAY more content instead of actually creating anything? We’ve all been there and I have a few tips to help get you out of consumer mode and into creator mode. PLUS I will be sharing 5 post ideas to get you started. 

How to Stop Consuming and Create Content Instead

How to Stop Consuming and Create Content Instead

Set strict boundaries around your scroll time: if you are sitting here reading this saying to yourself, “I don’t need boundaries,” trust me, you do or you wouldn’t be here reading this post. The time you are spending scrolling is not trend scouting or productive. If anything it is probably preventing you from posting something right now. 

Make time to plan offline: just because your content will be seen online doesn’t mean you need to be online the entire time you plan. Take one hour every other week or even once a month to just brainstorm ideas offline, bonus points for doing it with a co-worker or friend.

Create content you are interested in: there is no faster way to hit a content creation block or burnout then by creating stuff you don’t care about. There may be certain trends you don’t love or you might hate editing everything together, but if you are passionate about your overall mission, message, or goals then this will make everything a whole lot easier. If you don’t know what you want to create yet, just do what you gravitate to most! 

Unfollow and take breaks: you will be a better creator if you aren’t constantly being fed other people’s work. Learning from others and seeing what is happening online is important, but being original and taking care of yourself is also important. I recommend picking one day of the week to skip posting or even opening the apps. 

Plan your content in advance: I promise if you have a month’s worth of content all queued up and ready to go you will spend WAY less time scrolling. Since you won’t be searching for something to post every morning before your posting time or scrolling through trending audios to find one that fits, you won’t get distracted and scroll for an extra 15-30 minutes. 

5 Post Ideas for When You Are Feeling Stuck

  1. Share a space in your home or office that you love. 
  2. Post your favorite recent new follows. This can be a carousel or video post. If you do make this a video I highly recommend playing with the green screen feature. 
  3. Share a quote or excerpt from something you love. You can either use text and graphics or a voiceover to share the excerpt depending on the length. 
  4. A trick or hack that you don’t think everyone else knows. If you just found yourself saying “I don’t have any hacks!” think again. There are so many quick shortcuts and tricks you know and just assume everyone else knows them too. Perfect example, put scrunchies on your wrists when washing your face to stop water from running down your arms. 
  5. Have a mission or founder story? Share it! You should be having at least one post a month dedicated to telling your story and the story of your business. People want to connect with you. 

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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