
10 Things to Share With You

April 20, 2022

I saw this kind of blog post on Carly’s blog and thought it was such a fun way to share some updates as well as a great way to combat writer’s block because we have all been there. I am working on this post at the end of an extremely crazy Monday and I am […]

I saw this kind of blog post on Carly’s blog and thought it was such a fun way to share some updates as well as a great way to combat writer’s block because we have all been there. I am working on this post at the end of an extremely crazy Monday and I am ACTUALLY looking forward to writing it. Sometimes mixing up your content strategy leads to better content. 

10 Things to Share With You

  1. I am hosting a business workshop with my mom. If you are just starting your business, feel like you could use a refresh and direction, or just want to work less while still growing your business then check out this one day workshop we will be hosting. 
  2. Allergies are killing me. This isn’t a fun thing to share, but sometimes I think the things that are collectively making us miserable are best said out loud. My allergies are back and while I am loving the warmer temps and longer days I could definitely do without the sneezing. 
  3. I have been re-incorporating CBD in my daily routine. After kind of forgetting about CBD for the past few months, I have been adding it back in. I use Equilibria CBD and notice a big difference when I am consistently using it. If you are interested in trying it I highly recommend this brand because you work with a dosage specialist to make sure you are taking the right amount and they help you monitor the benefits. Click here for 15% off with code beautifuldetour.
  4. Harry Styles’ new song As It Was is on repeat in this house. I am calling this the song of the summer for me and I have been playing it over and over again, annoying both the dogs and my boyfriend with it. Does anyone else do this or is it just me? 
  5. Stanley got a new dog collar. I swear it’s always the little things, but Stanley has been needing a new dog collar for about a month now and I really dragged my feet on finding one. But I finally landed on a collar and it got delivered today. 
  6. Currently daydreaming about a vacation, vacation. You know the one I am talking about right? Where you go somewhere with ideally a beach and you have zero plans. Most of my trips, although fun, are not relaxing and I am ready to come home recharged.
  7. I am just posting on TikTok for fun. This is the first social media account in a long time that I just am not ready to monetize or have it directly grow my business. So, I am no longer pushing it. I am posting what I want whenever I feel like it. Maybe down the line, I will invest more time into growing my own account, but for now, I am keeping it fun and focusing on the growth strategies for my clients. Follow along if you want to see a whole lot of fun, silly, and weird content. 
  8. I feel like I need some major organizational overhaul in my home. Not sure if this is because of the spring weather or just because I have been traveling a bit more, but everything in my home feels unorganized. After I get back from NYC, I have a few projects to tackle and I am going to start with the scariest one … our garage. 
  9. Rainbows are the best. This may be a little random but we have two rainbow catchers in our house, which is just a sticker you place on a west-facing window that projects rainbows when the sun hits it. Every day I am taking photos of the rainbows and just bask in them. Highly recommend adding one to your home. 
  10. Working towards meeting your future self. I watched this tiktok the other day and it REALLY resonated with me. Sometimes when people say do stuff for your future self I think too big, like 30 years down the line and then I get discouraged by not seeing any of the benefits. BUT you should be taking tiny steps just to meet 6:00 PM you today. This little shift in my mindset has been extremely beneficial so check it out! 

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  1. Elle says:

    #10 work in progress for me, but got a little something extra from watching that TikTok – thank you!

  2. Andrea D says:

    Hi Bailey- how do I find you on TikTok? thx!

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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