I used to wite mini bucket lists all the time, but after graduating and getting a full-time job I took a break from them. I was trying to figure out my schedule and settle into what real “adulting” looks like. After 9 months working full-time, I think I have the patterns down and I am up to challenge myself with a winter bucket list. These little lists are helpful for me to make some short-term goals that might turn into bigger habits. If you can do something for 3 months then you might find it sticks.
This year I am also giving myself more of a challenge to enjoy time alone. Does anyone else feel like they just don’t know what to do by themselves for long periods of time? I feel like I need some entertaining when that happens, so in 2018 I am working more on being alone and being happy with that. I have started working out pretty regularly (we’ll see if it sticks) but I have tried all new classes with no buddy, which used to terrify me. Now, I love jumping into something new and being able to focus only on myself instead of how the other person is feeling.
I hope this mini bucket list helps you create your own, and I will be giving updates as I complete these items.
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