book review

What I Read in July 2021

August 4, 2021

I am so grateful for these monthly book round-up posts. They serve as a good reminder about how fast the year is going by and encourage me to really prioritize my time. Not even in a way that makes me read more, but just in a way to appreciate the past month including the books […]

I am so grateful for these monthly book round-up posts. They serve as a good reminder about how fast the year is going by and encourage me to really prioritize my time. Not even in a way that makes me read more, but just in a way to appreciate the past month including the books I read or the books I didn’t read because I was spending my time hiking or at the pool or cooking. So thank you for giving me a space to do this. I highly recommend tracking your own reading, whether it’s on GoodReads, a place in your journal, or even here in the comments! I always love to hear what other people are reading or what they liked or disliked about books I recommend. 

This was another slow summer reading month, and I am pretty okay with it. Sometimes I can get wrapped up in the numbers of how many books I am reading instead of just remembering that this is a fun activity. So if you need that reminder too, this is it. 

Alright, now onto what I read in July. 

What I Read in July 2021

The Poet X: When I say that this is not my usual genre, I mean it is way outside of what I normally read. And boy do I need to break out of my reading genres more often because I absolutely loved this book. I listened to it on Audible and recommend you do the same because it is a slam poetry book. This story is about a young girl in Harlem who discovers slam poetry and uses it as a way to understand herself, her family, and the world she is living in. The author, Elizabeth Acevedo has several other books that I have added to my list to read. 

While We Were Dating: This was the last book in Jasmine Guillory’s series and it did not disappoint. Her romance novels are a long time favorite of mine and this book was such a fun way to close the door on these characters. This book also had some of my favorite romance tropes and was a great lighthearted read. I am excited to see what Guillory writes next. If you haven’t read any of these books I highly recommend them and you can start anywhere in the series. 

Imposter Syndrome: I don’t often hate books that get recommended to me but that’s what happened with Imposter Syndrome. I think I am in the minority here, because I haven’t heard anyone else dislike it. So take my review with a grain of salt. This book is about a Russian spy that infiltrates a Palo Alto startup company. This book sounds right up my alley but I found it to be a little slow and more importantly I couldn’t connect with a single character. 

What’s In My To Be Read Pile


Float Plan

Night Bitch

The Anthropocene Reviewed


I would love to hear if you have read any of these books or what is next on your to-be-read list. 

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  1. Kari says:

    I was “forced” to read Poet X for a graduate school class, this was not my typical genre. However, I LOVED this book so much!! I would highly recommend as well.

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Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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