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Pinterest Growth: 5 Quick Tips to Help you Succeed

June 20, 2019

Pinterest could be your number one social media referrer if you put in a little time each week to your Pinterest growth strategy. If you are looking to grow your blog page views, increase your email newsletter subscriber list, and sell more then you need to have a presence on Pinterest. Today I am sharing […]

Pinterest could be your number one social media referrer if you put in a little time each week to your Pinterest growth strategy. If you are looking to grow your blog page views, increase your email newsletter subscriber list, and sell more then you need to have a presence on Pinterest.

Pinterest Growth: 5 Quick Tips to Help you Succeed

Today I am sharing my top 5 tips for Pinterest growth.
  1. Pinterest does not think of itself as a social media platform. Crazy right? Well, not really that crazy. Instead, they think of themselves as a search engine. Pinterest wants to be the place you go to learn how to do something, find a new place to travel to, and shop for your summer wardrobe. When you are creating content, make sure it is something that can fit into one of the boxes do, try or buy.
  2. Create graphics that people want to click on! 80% of Pinterest searches are on mobile, which is why eye-catching graphics are extremely important. Be sure to have strong imagery (nothing blurry), readable informative text (there is nothing more frustrating than a pin with tiny writing that you can’t read) and make the colors stand out. If you struggle with photoshop/illustrator I recommend using
  3. You don’t need a million followers on Pinterest. Sometimes it can feel so daunting to grow your follower numbers and I don’t want you to worry about that. Instead make sure your Pinterest content is something you can do, try, or buy and include keywords in your descriptions and titles. Pinterest favors content that is searchable, not content that has a million followers.
  4. You don’t need to pin 100 times a day. Pinterest recently said pinning more than 30 times a day does not help you. So don’t stress about constantly pinning. Instead, pin good quality content that is new. I recommend spending more time creating content than pinning content.
  5. Use hashtags! This concept may seem a little strange, but hashtags are a thing on Pinterest. I recommend using 2-4 hashtags per post and make sure they are searchable terms like #summeroutfit #travelguide #dinnerrecipes

I recommend blocking out time to schedule your week or month on Pinterest using Tailwind. This is the best platform to schedule Pinterest content. I hope this list helps you grow on Pinterest and sends more people to your site.

Pinterest Growth: 5 Quick Tips to Help you Succeed

If you are looking for even more help with your Pinterest Strategy, email me at, I offer monthly Pinterest management services as well as content brainstorming for pinnable blog posts.

Photos by Camber Weiss. 

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Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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