fall bucket list did not go quite as planned. I missed out on a couple of goals that I set out to do, one of them being to go apple picking. I was really excited to go apple picking and I researched a bunch of places, woke up early on a Saturday and drove an hour away to get to an empty field. The apple picking location I had chosen had failed to mention on the phone that they were all picked out! I didn’t know that this was something that even happened. Needless to say I was extremely bitter about the apple picking experience, which is why I am so determined to check off everything on my Holiday Bucket List.
The holidays get so busy that I have to schedule things out way in advance. It has been nice to do this especially with finals happening because I am able to look forward to what is coming. I’m also using this bucket list as a way to prepare for the coming new year. It always feels great to

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