
Friday Favs

January 19, 2018

Does anyone else feel like this week lasted forever? I swear the weekend seemed like it was never coming! BUT even with the week dragging on I was also more productive than most weeks. I am really sticking to my 2018 goals and we are more than halfway through the month. How many days does […]

Does anyone else feel like this week lasted forever? I swear the weekend seemed like it was never coming! BUT even with the week dragging on I was also more productive than most weeks. I am really sticking to my 2018 goals and we are more than halfway through the month. How many days does it take to make a habit? I feel like I am halfway towards creating some habits that will stick.

Friday Favorites

Here are some of my favorite things that I have found this week!

A Weekend Guide to La Jolla: I am so excited that I am less than a month away from going on a little vacation. I feel like it has been a long time since my last trip! I have been putting together lists of things I want to see and do and of course what to eat. If you’ve ever been to La Jolla I would love to hear your recommendations.

3 Ingredient 1 Minute Chocolate Cake: As I am passing day 18 of Whole 30 I am starting to think about what my diet is going to look like afterward. One of the big things I am excited to start integrating is Whole 30 approved sweets!

Not Giving Up on Goals: If you have set goals for yourself this year, but are struggling to stay on track, I highly recommend this article! It has great tips on what to do to stay on track and to just keep going.

These leggings: I am on a strict no extra spending budget for January and February (excluding vacation). But I did purchase a pair of my favorite leggings when my old ones finally got a hole. I swear the second you say you aren’t going to shop, you suddenly are required to. I have had these leggings for over 4 years, so I highly recommend them!

This article on setting yourself up for success in the morning: I am obsessed with articles like this! I am not sure why but some of these tips are starting to actually click for me this year. I am going to bed earlier, tidying up (at least my bedroom), and getting prepared for the day ahead. It makes my mornings so much more relaxing.

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  1. CA says:

    La Jolla – one of my favorite places on earth!
    Food: (try a fish sandwich, or get some of their smoked goodies to go)
    Things to do: We love seal beach (aka the children’s beach – particularly at sunset or on a stormy day), the view from Mt. Soledad can’t be beat, and just walking up the coast (there are a few places where there is a trail along the rocks). If you are into cycling, Coronado has a great bike trail.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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