
Book Review: Soulful Simplicity

January 16, 2018

I did it! It may have taken me a little bit longer than I wanted, but I finally finished my mom’s book Soulful Simplicity. All I can say is this is exactly why I always say that my mom is both my best friend and is always right. This book is a culmination of many […]

I did it! It may have taken me a little bit longer than I wanted, but I finally finished my mom’s book Soulful Simplicity. All I can say is this is exactly why I always say that my mom is both my best friend and is always right. This book is a culmination of many life lessons I watched her learn and pass on for me to learn.


Soulful Simplicity is not a manual on how to be the perfect minimalist or how to fold your socks in the most organized way. Instead, this book is about love. Finding love for yourself so that you are able to give love to everyone important to you. Reading Soulful Simplicity was a little bit surreal for me because it was like receiving advice I had heard many times before delivered through these pages. But one thing I wasn’t expecting was to learn more about myself by reading this book.


If you take the time to read Soulful Simplicity you just might find the answers to questions that have been nagging you. For example, what am I missing? What is taking up time that I would rather spend doing something else? I’m not saying I have found some magical answer to these questions, but I am starting to look at what that answer might be. AND most importantly this book gives you the permission to ask those crazy questions. Questions I remember asking my mom like “wouldn’t it be crazy if I moved to Australia for a year?” and “wouldn’t it be crazy if I got a dog?”. This is one of my favorite lessons that I have learned from my mother, the freedom to do the things that are a little crazy.

I highly recommend reading this book if you are looking for a little guidance on simplicity or just need that extra push to ask those important questions.


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  1. Sally Archer says:

    Indeed, this is a book about Love. Have read lots of books with a “love yourself / love your life” theme. This book really helped me get my head around that big concept. It’s a book for younger — and older, like me.

  2. My friend has just finished this book and loved it. Recently this friend organised a Trade School session on Slow Living, based on another book she had read, Destination Simple by Brooke McAlary. I hope she runs another session on Soulful Simplicity, because this is a message we need to share. Am ordering the book now.

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I'm Bailey, your new social media bestie.

Instead of doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing, I got intentional. I started asking “what if” all the time and I stopped putting so much pressure on myself to do things at the perfect time or the right way. Instead I took a little leap here and another there to create a life I love. 

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